
We have created a competitive
pricing list, just for you!

  • Roadside Assistance

    Get roadside assistance anywhere, anytime


    24x7 Roadside Assistance

    Instant Lost Key Replacement

    Flat Tyre Repair or Replacement

    Battery Jumpstart

    Vehicle Towing and Recovery

    Buy Now
  • Extended Warranty

    We’re your constant companions on the go


    Protect yourself against high repair costs 

    Enjoy peace of mind

    Keep unskilled technicians at bay

    Buy Now
  • Wallet Protection

    Protect yourself from hassles arising out of a lost wallet


    One Year Subscription (Inclusive of GST)


    Instant cash assistance

    Travel and accommodation assistance

    24x7 card blocking facility

    Buy Now
  • Travel Protection

    Travel care-free around the world with travel protection keeping you covered


    One Year Subscription (Inclusive of GST)


    Travel AssistanceTravel Assistance

    Airport Assistance

    Travel Delay and Cancellation

    Hotel and Air Bookings

    Medical Referral

    Lost Document Assistance

    Buy Now
  • Electric Vehicle RSA

    Zip through your trips with ease because your EV is our priority


    One Year Subscription (Inclusive of GST)


    Emergency Health Assistance

    Ambulance Assistance

    Wallet Protection

    Cab Voucher for Breakdowns

    Travel Assistance when Breakdown

    Radio Cash for Delayed Service

    Extended Warranty

    Buy Now

Frequently Asked Questions

Global Assure offers three comprehensive plans: Basic, Standard, and Premium. Each plan is designed to cater to different needs and budgetary considerations.

The Basic plan provides essential coverage and includes features such as emergency medical expenses, trip cancellation, and baggage loss protection. It offers a cost-effective solution for travellers seeking fundamental coverage.

The Standard plan offers a wider range of benefits compared to the Basic plan. It includes coverage for emergency medical expenses, trip cancellation/interruption, baggage loss, trip delay, and more. This plan is suitable for travellers looking for additional protection and peace of mind.